September 2, 2008

Sept. 2

Well this is my first post. I have a few ideas what to do for blog and here they are. I will have a "song of the week" which i will post usually on Monday or the first post of the week when i can. Then the other two posts will be of you tube videos. Why not transform my time wasting activity into something that actually is useful? And it will also go hand in hand with the seminars name: "You and Youtube" SOOOOO here it is the first song of the week, i will try to find links to either the artist page and a link to the music if I can. i will also describe a little about the artist.

The song of the week:
"Handlebars"- Flobots

This is Flobots new hit single and is a very neat beat. The strong drum beat is what really makes the song not to mention some really neat lyrics. And i really don't want to bore the reader so basically the band is a group of college kids. they basically started the band for fun and are having a good time with it.

Flobots Official Page: Flobots
Myspace page: Myspace Flobots

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